Welcome : Guest Chapter :
Alpha Iota - Washington in St. Louis
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 Campus Information
Shipping Address
Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
6985 Snow Way Box 6512
Saint Louis, MO 63130-4400
United States
Chapter Status : Probation
Collegiate Members : 50
Collegiate Pledges : 4
Living Alumni : 1,295
Lifetime Members : 2,164
Advisors : 4
House Corp Volunteers : 5
Chapter GPA : 3.6200
FY Giving : $1,062.60
Standard Chapter Operating Expectations
Greek Name : Alpha Iota
University : Washington University in St. Louis
District : 44
Status : Probation
Last Change : 12/13/2023
Founding Date : 04/01/1869
Chapter ID : 100139
Short Name : Washington in St. Louis
Region : NC
Motto : Strong through truth
Chapter Website : http://wustl.beta.org
Twitter : -
Facebook : -
School Founded : 1853
Enrollment : 6686
Campus Type : Private
Terms Type : Semester
% Greek : 30
# of Fraternities : 10
# of Sororities : 8
Avg Chapter Size : 54
School Website : http://wustl.edu/
Greek Life Website : https://studentinvolvement.wustl.edu/GET-INVOLVED/FRATERNITY-AND-SORORITY-LIFE/Pages/default.aspx
School Year Term GPA AFA AMA ACA Pledges / IFC Rank
2023-24 Spring 3.62 3.64 3.64 3.67 3.61 / 3.61 7/10
2023-24 Fall 3.69 3.69 0 0 0 / 3.67 6/10
2022-23 Spring 3.50 3.65 0 0 3.38 / 3.58 0/0
2022-23 Fall 3.81 3.64 0 0 3.82 / 0 0/0
2021-22 Spring 3.76 0 0 3.72 3.76 / 0 0/0
AFA = All Fraternities Average
AMA = All Men's Average
ACA = All Campus Average
Pledges/IFC = Pledge Class GPA/IFC Pledge Class Avg
Title Name
Chapter President George E. Gale
Vice President of Finance Raphael Mitterer-Claudet
Secretary < vacant >
Vice President of Recruitment Daniel K. Alepa
Vice President of Recruitment Griffen P. Carabet
Diversity & Inclusion Chairman Asher M. Raboy
House Manager Alex S. Kemp
Executive Vice President & IFC Delegate Cosmo R. Guion
Vice President of Education Anthony J. Gross
Service & Philanthropy Chairman Joshua A. Titens
Vice President of Programming Lucas A. Vogel
Ritual Chairman Jackson R. Boyd
Social Chairman Lukas A. Vien
Social Chairman Aidan R. Johnson
Vice President of Risk Management Michael J. Greco
Title Name
Alumni Association Key Contact < vacant >
Title Name
Chapter Counselor Sydney Papadopoulos
Financial Advisor < vacant >
Risk Management Advisor < vacant >
Pledge Education Advisor < vacant >
Recruitment Advisor Lorne D. Vanatta
Advisor Team Member Zane David Brown-Carlson
Brotherhood Advisor Ellie Mundt
University Greek Professional Stan Sweeney
University Greek Professional Zachary Littrell
University Greek Professional James McLendon
House Corp President Spencer R. Toder
House Corp Vice President Alexander R. Curcuru
House Corp Secretary George L. Welsch
House Corp Treasurer < vacant >
House Corp Board Member Stephen L. Hampe
House Corp Board Member Brent London
Title Name
Regional Chief Don J. Juszczyk
District Chief Colin T. O'Brien
Assistant District Chief < vacant >
Senior Director of Fraternity Services Erin M. McHale
Primary Staff Contact Meghan Bullard